Nau mai tauiti mai ki te rangitaki o Te Puna Waimarie

Welcome to the shared blog of Te Puna Waimarie!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Te Haerenga ki Ōtamahua

I te Rāapa i haere katoa atu Te Pā o Rākaihautū ki Ōtamahua! I haere mātou mā runga pahi ki Hinehou (Lyttleton), katahi ka eke pōti ki te motu o Ōtamahua. He rawe te noho ki reira. I piki mātou i ngā puke, i kaukau ki te moana, i whakarongo anō hoki ki ngā kōrero o neherā mō te wāhi rā. Katahi nā te rangi pai ko tērā. Engari i pau te hau i te hokinga atu ki Te Pā!

On Wednesday the whole of Te Pā o Rākaihautū went on a trip to Quail Island. We travelled by bus to Lyttleton, and then we caught the ferry across to the Island. We had an awesome time there. We climed hills, swam in the ocean and listened to the old stories about the area. We had the best time! But we were all pretty exhausted when we got back to the Pā.

I haere ki Hinehou mā runga pahi
We travelled to Lyttleton by bus

I haere mātou ki Ōtamahua mā runga pōti
We travelled to Quail Island on a big ferry

I piki mātou i ngā puke
We climbed up lots of hills

He ātaahua te wāhi nei
It was such a beautiful place

Matawaia ana te karu i te tirohanga atu
Eye watering beauty

He wera rawa mātou nā te hīkoa roa, nō reira he tino rawe te kaukau ki te moana
We were really hot after our long walk, so it was awesome getting to swim in the ocean

He tino pai ki a mātou te piki i ngā rākau me te tākaro ki te tārere taura
We loved climbing the trees and playing on the rope swing

Kua pau te hau i te mutunga o te rā!
We were exhausted by the end of the day!

Te Wiki Tuatahi

Ānei ētahi whakaahua mai i tō tātou wiki tuatahi! 
Here are some photos from our first week!!!

I ako mātou i tētahi waiata mō ngā ahi tīpua
Kōkā-Hauwai visited our puna and taught us a song about volcanoes
I tākaro mātou i te kēmu "Twister" mō te wā Mataora
We played "twister" as one of our Mataora activities

I whakamaroke mātou i ngā rau o te kawakawa kia mahi hei panipani
We dried out the leaves of the kawakawa tree so that we can make a lotion

Ānei ngā tau 6 e tuhi ana mō te haerenga ki ki Ōtamahua
Here are our year 6's writing about their trip to Quail Island

Ko te whakawhanaungatanga te aronga nui i tēnei wiki
Our main focus this week has been on getting to know each other

Monday, 26 January 2015

Te Rā Tuatahi ki Te Pā o Rākaihautū

He rawe tō tātou rā tuatahi! Ānei ētahi whakaahua....
Our first day was awesome! Here are some photos....

Ngā pononga hou o Te Pā o Rākaihautū
The new students of Te Pā o Rākaihautū

Te Pōwhiri ki Te Pā o Rākaihautū
Some pics from the welcoming ceremony

Kua hikaka a Hākui Terina me Hākui Kari
Hākui Terina and Hākui Kari are really excited! Can you tell???
I hangaia ō mātou ingoa ki te paraoa pokepoke
We made our names out of playdough
Titiro ki ā mātou mahi toi!
Look at our art work!

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Tō Tātou Wāhi Ako

Kua rite ngā wāhi ako o Te Puna Waimarie, ā, ka hikaka katoa ngā kaiārahi kia tae mai ngā pononga! Our learning spaces are ready & our kaiārahi are excited for our pononga to arrive!

Ō mātou wāhi ako
Our learning spaces

Friday, 23 January 2015

Te Rā Mahi o Te Pā o Rākaihautū

Rūmemene mai nei ngā whānau o Te Pā  o Rākaihautū i te rangi nei mō te rā mahi kia rite te Pā mō the whakatūwheratanga hei Te Rāhina. Mā pango mā whero ka oti te mahi!!! Ka rawe tātou mā! Nei rā te mihi mutunga kore ki a koutou katoa

Te Pa o Rākaihautū was buzzing with whānau today for our working bee to get our Pā ready for our first day on Monday. Many hands make light work!!! You are all awesome! Thanks heaps to everybody who came along

Te Rā Mahi
Working Bee

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Kua tae mai a Whaea Janelle

Kua tae mai a whaea Janelle i te rangi nei hei āwhina mā mātou ki te hanga rangitaki. Whaea Janelle has come today to help us set up our blog. Koia kei a koe Whaea Janelle

Te Haerenga ki Ōtamahua

I te rāapa i haere mātou ko ngā kaiārahi ki te motu o Ōtamahua (Quail Island). Ānei ētahi whakaahua o tō mātou haerenga. Ka hoki mātou katoa ki Ōtamahua hei te wiki tuatahi o te kura.

On Wednesday our kaiārahi went on a trip to Ōtamahua (Quail Island). Here are some photo's from our trip. We will be returning with the tamariki on week one of kura!