I hoki mātou ki Rāpaki I te rangi nei. We returned to Rāpaki today and spent a wonderful day exploring the costline. We found crabs, pūpū, tiny fish and lots of other creatures in the rock pools. What an awesome day!!!
I te kimi a Josef ētahi "Gems"
Josef found some "Gems"
I te kimi hoki a Ruslan, Arohaina rātou ko Amelia i ngā "Gems"
Ruslan, Arohaina and Amelia also found "Gems"
I te tūhura a Mana ki ngā hūmenga.
Mana has discovering some sea anemone.
I kimihia a Tāmanuhiri tētahi toka mā mātou hei mauri kōrero.
Tāmanuhiri has found us a talking stone for our discussion circles.
I hanga puna mahana ngā kotiro nei hei whakamahana i te tinana he maiki te moana te rā nei.
The girls have discovered the thermal areas and are digging a pool to warm themselves after being in the cold sea water.
Katahi te rāngi paki ko tēnei hari huritau Piki Kotuku.
What a lovely day also birthday wishes to Piki Kotuku 8 years old today!
Tau Kē!